Internal Preservative Treatments


Hollow Heart® CB Concentrate (liquid internal treatment)

Hollow Heart CB concentrate contains a combination of copper and boron that provide deep, long-lasting protection against decay.  Diluted with water, Hollow Heart CB becomes a 5.84% copper (2% copper as metal) and 5.0% boron solution designed to be applied by internal injection, brush, or spray. 

Hollow Heart CB holds an Environmental Claim Validation from UL Environment. This distinguished validation confirms that Hollow Heart CB exhibits volatile organic compound (VOC) content below the limits defined by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) for the wood preservative category of SCAQMD Rule 1113. Hollow Heart CB is the only liquid internal treatment that carries this distinguished validation. With a VOC level well below 350, Hollow Heart CB also complies with Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD) Rule 442.  

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